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http://www.100md.com 2017年1月15日 《世界中医药》 20172
     摘要 通过健脾生血颗粒(片)对缺铁性贫血、骨髓抑制性贫血、肾性贫血模型动物治疗作用研究结果的分析,并结合其处方特点及相应中医理论,解析健脾生血颗粒治疗各型贫血的作用依据,为该产品更深入的研究方向选择以及临床应用提供参考。

    关键词 健脾生血颗粒;缺铁性贫血;骨髓抑制性贫血;肾性贫血

    Abstract The mechanism of Jianpi Shengxue granule in treating various types of anemia was analyzed through research results of the effect of Jianpi Shengxue granule on iron-deficiency anemia,myelopathic anemia,and renal anemia.The characteristics of prescription of this product and its corresponding traditional Chinese medicine theory were also concerned in this article ......
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